
In the default implementation of the Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY protocol, if a notification is sent via a channel and no process is listening on that channel at that time, the notification is lost forever. As described in the previous section, enabling lock_notifications on our channel means we store a Notification object in the database. Thus, if we happen to “lose” a notification on such a channel in the aforementioned way (e.g. if all of our listener processes were down when a notification was sent), we still have a stored copy of the payload in our database.

pgpubsub provides a function pgpubsub.process_stored_notifications which fetches all stored Notifications from the database and sends them to their respective channels to be processed. This allows to recover from scenarios like the one in the paragraph described above.

Note that this recovery option can be enabled whenever we use the listen management command by supplying it with the --recover option. This will tell the listening processes to replay any missed stored notifications automatically when it starts up.

Note that this recovery option can be enabled whenever we use the listen management command by supplying it with the --recover option. This will tell the listening processes to replay any missed stored notifications automatically when it starts up.

It is important to enable server side cursors in the django settings used by the listener. Their usage makes memory consumption much lower during the recovery and that is important if there is a need to recover many notifications:

    "default": {
        "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql",

or if dj_database_url is used:

DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.config()}